Absen Neptune Series Rental Cabinets
Amazing Visual Experience
The NT Series is a cost effective rental solution from leading LED Display Manufacturer Absen.
This core range of select pixel pitches and cabinet varieties is designed to be flexible and convenient for clients.
Indoor Pixel Pitches Include: 2.6mm, 2.9mm
Outdoor Pixel Pitch Include: 3.9mm
Panel Dimensions: 500*500*80mm, 500*1000*80mm (P2.6 only available in 500*500mm)
Refresh Rate of NT Series: 3840Hz
Stacked with Features
For a cost effective solution, there are a number of key features stacked in the Neptune Series including;
Lightweight Design - The weight of these cabinets are <7.5kg per indoor 500*500mm panel and <12.5kg per indoor 500*1000mm panel (8.5kg/13.5kg per outdoor panel)
High Brightness - The Indoor solutions are provided with 1000nits brightness while the outdoor solution is 4000nits
Creative Curves - You have the option to add a durable curve locking system of -7.5° to +10° adjustable
Considered Anti-Collision Design
These cabinets adopt an anti-collision design to avoid direction collision between LEDs and the ground, thereby effectively protecting the LEDs on the edge.
This coupled with the flip over protection on all four corners allows for maximum protection.
Multiple Installation Methods
Hanging and stacking installation solutions are both available to easily cope with the diverse requirements of the site environment.
Moreover, holes have been reserved for additional support via installation of square tube trusses, saving on labour and material costs.
Modular Design for Easy Maintenance
The NT Series supports both front and rear maintenance of modules and the power box.
This provides flexibility for both installations and rental applications where environments consistently change and you require the ability to adapt.
Local Support at Eventec
By ordering Absen screens through Eventec, you'll receive support to match the quality of your screens.
Our service centre in NSW is home to a large dedicated area with full time technicians and engineers on hand.
We are able to support both hardware and software requirements within Australia.
When your screen lands, we safely store all necessary hardware and data to suit including LED pixels from your batch. Providing peace of mind that your investment is serviceable for years to come.
Absen also hold a large amount of stock in their factory, meaning solutions are often able to be shipped with quicker than standard lead times.
In the near future, Eventec will also hold stock of certain size systems for jobs that just can't wait!
If you are wanting to obtain further information and pricing on the Neptune Series, reach out to sales@eventec.com.au and our team will be more than happy to assist.